Rules and Policies

  • Classroom Rules
    1. Be Respectful
    2. Be Cooperative
    3. Be Prepared
    4. Be an active Participant

    Academic Grades

    Grades are determined by a point system. Each assignment is given a point value. The point value of an assignment reflects the amount of learning, work, effort, and time an assignment takes. Students earn points from classwork, projects, notebook checks, homework, and tests. To calculate grades, I total up the amount of points earned and divide it the total points possible.

    Grading Scale
    100% A+
    99-94% A
    93-90 A-
    89-87% B+
    86-84% B
    83-80 B-
    79-77% C+
    76-74% C
    73-70% C-
    69-67% D+
    66-64% D
    63-60% D-
    59% and below F

    • A means that the student consistently shows outstanding mastery of the content
    • B means that the student shows above average understanding of the content
    • C means that the student's understanding is average and satisfactory
    • D means that the student is struggling and not developing sufficient understanding 
    • F means that the students is falling behind and has not shown understanding

    Late Work
    There is no reason to turn in work late.  

    I do accept late classwork and, but points will be deducted. Late work turned in must still be of high quality and correct.

    • Late work within 2 weeks, they cannot score higher than 80% of total points possible.

    Excellent attendance in school hugely impacts your student's learning. Everyday your student misses in my class will cause him or her to fall behind in learning and struggle to catch back up. Please schedule regular appointments after school or during school breaks. If a student is absent, THEY ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE TO TURN IN MISSED WORK. I will teach students the procedure for finding the work they miss. Students will have 1 week to make up missed work for full credit. After that, work is subject to my late work policy.

    I rarely assign homework.  Any classwork that was not finished during class time must be completed as homework and turned in the following class day.

    Procedures and norms help us all be successful at school. My goal as a teacher is that EVERYONE succeeds and has the opportunity to learn. To ensure this, I will maintain a positive learning environment in my classroom. Your goal as a student is to do your best and respect everyone's right to learn.
    Everyone makes choices in life. The result of your choices can have positive effects or negative effects on you.

    Positive effects for positive choices:

    • raffles
    • table points
    • praise
    • positive communication to home
    • good grades
    • CAT time
    • pride in yourself
    • respect from your peers
    • pride from your family

    Negative effects for negative choices:

    • infractions
    • reflection sheets
    • lower citizenship/effort grades
    • lower academic grades
    • before and after school detentions
    • loss of school reward activities/parties
    • phone calls home
    • parent meetings
    • less learning
    • referrals

    Citizenship and Effort
    Students receive a letter grade for both citizenship and effort. Typically, their effort grade mirrors their academic grade. Quality work completion is a large part of their effort grade.  Citizenship grades are based on both classroom work as well as behavior.  Students start each week with 50 points banked. For each infraction slip they receive, they loose 20 points. Every 3rd infraction they earn lowers their citizenship grade. I will send home the sheet to be signed, and I will call home if I am seriously concerned. Students get a reflection sheet when they don't follow one of the 4 classroom rules. Citizenship grades reset every trimester or 12 weeks.

    Students who earn a referral loose their entire week's work of citizenship points.  A referral typically lowers a citizenship grade by a letter grade.  

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