mom and child

TK & Kindergarten Pick Up

  • Children will be picked up from their TK/Kindergarten classroom gate.

    TK students are dismissed at 12:15pm all year.

    The first three weeks of kindergarten are minimum days. Your child will be released at 12:15pm.

    Starting on the Tuesday after Labor Day, kindergarten students go full days.  

    Kindergartners are dismissed at 12:45pm on Mondays and 1:45pm Tuesday-Friday. Please stand outside the playground gate.

    Once your child sees you, they will raise their hand to be excused by their teacher to exit the gate to you. Please stand outside the gate to retrieve your child. If you need to speak with your child's teacher, please wait until after 1pm on Mondays and 2pm Tuesday - Friday, after all children have been dismissed.  

    Please park in a designated parking spot. You can park on Damon Lane or in the neighborhoods. Do not leave your car in the traffic circle unattended. This will block the flow of traffic. Stand outside the kindergarten gate.

    Safety is our top priority. TK and kindergarten students will NOT be escorted to the traffic circle. 

    Extended Day Program (EDP) students will be delivered to EDP after school each day.  

    Older Siblings- Older siblings may pick up their kindergarten sibling and follow your family's pick-up plan. 

    Late Pick Up Procedure:

    At 1:00pm on Mondays and 2:00pm Tuesday-Friday, students will be delivered to the office to call home. If you are late to pick up your child, please park in a parking spot and retrieve your child from inside the office.