Phone: (619) 441-6156 X210
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Dana Zuschin
Welcome to English Language Arts. Success in English is of prime importance. My goals for this school year include providing opportunities for students to collaborate, be self-motivated, responsible, and enthusiastic about learning. I can only hope to achieve these goals with your help and support. The Language Arts program includes reading fiction and non-fiction, the writing process, vocabulary development, grammar practice, research, communication, and critical thinking skills. Students can expect daily journal writing, essay writing, group and individual projects, and activities related to the literature being studied. This class will include both class work and homework.
My grading policy is as follows:
A=90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F=59% and below
Advisory is a pass/fail grade.
Classroom Library-
Please realize that my personal library has many books with various topics and reading levels to meet the needs and interests of my students. Since it is impossible for me to read every book or know each family’s preference or concerns regarding reading material, it will be the job of the parent/guardian to monitor material that they may feel is objectionable. I have never encountered any concerns, but as a courtesy, please be aware that I do not censor books in the classroom. Much of my classroom library has been purchased with my own money, and every year I replace hundreds of dollars worth of books due to loss or damage. Students must follow my checkout procedures if they wish to borrow a book from the classroom library. Students must sign a card with their name, class period, title of book, and the book number. When students return the book, it must be brought to me along with the card, so I can sign it back into circulation. If lost or damaged, paperback books are $10.00, hardcover books are $15-$20.00, OR students can purchase a new book of the same title.
Thank you,
Mrs. Zuschin