Welcome to my classroom website!Ms. PutrusRoom 3066th grade English, History, ELA, and LeadershipEmail: Putrusd@cajonvalley.neyRoom: 306 Phone: 588-3092Office HoursMonday - Friday 8:30am & Friday 3:30pm
Along with a positive attitude, other supplies must be brought to class each day:
- Three Sharpened Pencils - 2 Highlighters
- 3 Ring Binder with Paper and Dividers - Enclosed sharpener
- Pencil Cap and/or Eraser - Student Planner
- History folderBehavior Management Policy ÒõAPPµ¼º½ (STRIKES):✔ = warning
✔ ✔ = teacher conference
✔ ✔ ✔ = time away and phone call home
More? Seriously?! = teacher consequence
(This could result in a referral to the office, parent conference, and/or detention.)
** Strikes will accumulate throughout the week, starting over at the beginning of each new week.