• "History is who we are and why we are the way we are."

                                                                  -David McCullough


     Image Source: USHistory.org

    THE BIRTH OF OLD GLORY Image Source:  www.common-place.org








    Mrs. Farias' 8th Grade U.S. History Class Introduction

    Welcome parents and students to 8th Grade Team TOGO!

    As your child's teacher, I look forward to this new school year and sharing my passion for history with them as we examine past events, issues, and the people who have shaped this country.  We will begin by reviewing the push/pull factors for exploring and settling on the North American continent and examine the issues surrounding colonial unrest that led to the eventual Revolution and the founding of our nation. An extensive amount of time will be dedicated to analyzing the political principles and philosophies associated with the formation of our government, foreign policy, the creation of political parties, westward expansion, and industrialization.  We will conclude the year by studying the multiple causes, key events, complex consequences, and lasting impact of the Civil War. 

    As we examine the important events of our nation's history, students will learn to think like a historian, investigate like a detective, and make connections to today's important events.  Technology will be integrated to enhance the learning experience and to develop important skills that will be valuable throughout their future years in education and beyond.  I am looking forward to a great year, class of 2025!

    Class Structure 

    This class incorporates personalized, collaborative, and interactive learning experiences. Literacy, writing, and critical thinking skills will be emphasized throughout the year using California Content Standards.  Students will also learn to cite evidence, determine central ideas/themes, and summarize primary and secondary sources.  

     Class Resources:

    • The Student Planner: The primary method for tracking assignment due dates. 
    • Google Classroom: The primary method for turning in assignments and viewing the Assignment calendar. Written work will also be assigned and turned in as hard copies.  
    • Chromebook Laptop Computer and charger: provided for student use at school and home.
    • Google for Education software (Google Docs, Google Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form, and Drawing).

    Assignment Policy ÒõAPPµ¼º½:

    Assignments are posted weekly in Google Classroom. However, students will also be given class time to write the assignments in their school-provided planner.  With respect to workload, let me assure you that students will have ample class time to work on assignments and may receive assistance when needed.  Any assignments not finished in the class time provided must be finished and submitted in Google Classroom at home by the assigned deadline.  If the assignment is on paper, students must have their homework completed and turned in at the beginning of the class period.  Due dates have been thoughtfully applied based on the time provided in class and will be enforced.  Late work will not be accepted.

    Student Support:

    I'm available during class, and before school at 8:30 Tuesday - Friday by appointment for any student who would like to receive extra help.  


    Students are responsible for completing any assignments missed due to absences.  Again, assignments are posted weekly in Google Classroom.  Students should refer to Google Classroom, contact their peers, email, or see me personally if they have any questions about the missed assignments.  If possible, it would be optimal to try and complete as much as possible while absent, since most of the work is available online.  If unable to complete it at home, full credit will be given for all work completed within the same number of days absent (excluding holidays and weekends).

    Academic Grades:

    Academic grades will be evaluated based on cumulative points earned during each trimester. I will be using the Q/Zangle GradeBook, which can be accessed under the "Parents" tab of our school's website.  Please make sure to obtain your personal Zangle password through our Counseling Dept. 

    Citizenship Grades:

    Citizenship will be based on individual behavior that reflects respect for all established schoolwide and classroom rules.  This includes respect for fellow students and the teacher. Violations will be documented and reflected in their overall citizenship grade.  

    Effort Grade:

    In general, the effort grade and the academic grade go hand in hand.  However, it is possible to receive a different grade for effort based on the student’s participation in class and work ethic. The effort grade will be tied to assignment quality, completion, and whether or not the student is working to their potential.  

    Contact Information:

    The best way to contact me directly is through email, via fariasc@cajonvalley.net.  Please refer to Google Classroom for upcoming events and links for class information.  Parents are encouraged to join Google Classroom to stay informed on weekly assignments.