• Mrs. Nabors

    7th & 8th Grade Mathematics

    Hillsdale Middle School

    1301 Brabham Street, El ÒõAPPµ¼º½, CA 92019

    (619) 441-6156


    Welcome to Hillsdale Middle School! I am extremely pleased to be your child’s math teacher this year and look forward to making his or her mathematical experience both positive and successful. My goal for each student is to ensure enthusiasm, motivation, and achievement in the subject of mathematics. 


    Homework will be assigned daily and checked the next school day. Homework will be given FULL CREDIT (10/10) for showing all work on every problem assigned and turning it in on time. Full credit will be given on digital lessons if an online grade of 75% or better is earned on the assignment. In the case of long-term assignments, work will be checked according to the specified due date. Late assignments will be accepted for partial credit within 5 days from the assignment due date. If the missed assignment is due to an excused absence, then full credit will be given if the assignment is turned in within 5 days upon returning to school. If a student is absent prior to or on the day of a quiz or exam, students are expected to take the missed quiz or exam on the day they return. Worksheets, practice tests and vocabulary are in the absent work file and may be accessed without needing my help. It is the student’s responsibility to get all missing work, worksheets, vocabulary, etc.  I encourage all students to contact a classmate for class information when absent. REMEMBER: ZEROS ARE DETRIMENTAL TO A STUDENT’S GRADE.  


    A lot of useful information is available on my website, like weekly lesson plans under “Assignments” for you to see what your student is doing in math class on a weekly basis. There are also forms, links to graphing calculators, games, and tutorials, to name a few.  My lesson plans are also posted every Friday for the following week in Google Classroom for students to refer to when they are absent or want to stay informed of upcoming assignments.


    Each student will be issued a common core textbook/workbook, which students can leave at home throughout the school year. Replacement textbooks will result in a $5 charge to the student if lost or damaged. While at school, students will access their textbooks on their chromebooks, which need to be charged and brought to school daily.


    All students are expected to take thorough notes and keep their math Interactive Notebook/Journal organized and complete for end-of-unit checks worth 100 points. The Interactive Notebook grades will be in the “Classwork” category in the gradebook and are worth 20% of the overall grade in the class.


    Grades will be updated and emailed home every Friday. It is important for you to know I do not use the district grade program, Q, as it does not allow me to email grade progress reports. Because I am using this non-district grade program, parents and students will need to set up their access in the account portal to be able to check math grades at any time. If you are not receiving grade reports each week via email, please make me aware so I can update a working email address for you. In addition to the weekly math grade reports, I will also email announcements or other pertinent information for students and parents through QZangle mass email.


    The grading system is as follows: 


    90 – 100             =          A                                  HOMEWORK                 =          20% of overall grade

    80 - 89              =          B                                  CLASSWORK (I.N.)       =          20% of overall grade

    70 - 79              =          C                                  QUIZZES                      =          20% of overall grade

    60 - 69              =          D                                  EXAMS                         =          40% of overall grade 

    0 - 59                =          F                                  TOTAL                          =         100% of Academic Grade

                                                                             SHOW WORK               =         100% of Effort Grade


    The following school supplies are recommended to assist in your student’s success in mathematics this year:

    • 1 Spiral Notebook – Must be at least 120 pages (preferably 3 to 5 subject, 8½ x 11 inch, college ruled)
    • Pencil pouch with 4 sharpened or mechanical pencils, 4 ball point pens (blue, black, green, and red), and a highlighter
    • Charged Chromebook, charger, and earbuds
    • Glue stick


    NOTE: Gel pens, permanent markers, Sharpies, scissors and liquid white-out are NOT ALLOWED at Hillsdale! These items may be confiscated when visible on campus. 

    Citizenship grades are determined by classroom rules and behaviors. Students are expected to always follow school and classroom rules. An infraction log is kept each trimester for violations of the school and/or classroom rules. Infractions will result in lower citizenship grades and/or loss of privileges. The main offenses at Hillsdale are tardies, in-class disruptions, cell phone use or left on, and gum. Students who can refrain from these offenses generally earn an A in citizenship.


    Classroom Etiquette

    1. Come to class with all needed materials and homework complete.
    2. Respect yourself and others.
    3. Be courteous and use appropriate language.
    4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
    5. Stay seated when teacher or another student is speaking.
    6. No food, drink, or gum in the classroom. Water bottles are acceptable.
    1. All electronic devices, unless approved, are forbidden. ZERO TOLERANCE for cell phone use. Your cell phone MUST be off and in your backpack for the duration of the class period. No exceptions.
    1. Keep your work area clean.
    2. Always do your best.
    3. Discipline yourself so no one else has to.
    1. Respect my instruction time. Bell-to-Bell instruction: expect a daily agenda, instruction, and homework time EACH day.


    Student Expectations

    1. Be ON TIME! Lunch detentions and lowered citizenship grades are given for tardies.
    2. Bring materials DAILY including spiral-bound notebook, a pencil, and chromebook.
    3. Ask questions when you don’t understand something.
    4. Actively listen by asking questions, volunteering answers, or offering alternative ways to solve problems.
    5. Complete ALL classwork/homework as assigned.
    6. Make up work when absent as soon as possible. Speak with me about due dates at the end of a class period.
    7. Work with others…respect their ideas, opinions, and thinking.
    8. Check my web site daily for homework/notes and the Student Portal weekly for your grade.
    9. PERSEVERE! Don’t quit!


    Common Core Mathematical Practices

    1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
    2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
    3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
    4. Model with mathematics.
    5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
    6. Attend to precision.
    7. Look for and make use of structure.
    8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.


    Please feel free to contact me at (619)441-6156 or email me at the address below if you have any questions or concerns regarding your student.  I look forward to working with you and your child to ensure that this school year will be productive and successful.



     Mrs. Nabors

    Mrs. Nabors                                          

    Math Educator 
