• Coach De Lamarter’s

    Physical Education Expectations and Grading Policy ÒõAPPµ¼º½



    I will be instructing your child this year in physical education. My goal as a physical education teacher is to present a curriculum that is enriching and motivating to all students at all fitness levels and abilities. Students can learn to make good lifetime health and fitness choices. My objectives are:

    1. To encourage and assist each student to learn to move effectively and skillfully.
    2. To acquire a knowledge of and appreciation for physical fitness.
    3. To emphasize developing and maintaining maximum physical efficiency.
    4. To encourage cooperation and understanding among peers in order for everyone to experience an enjoyable education class.


    I believe that physical education is a part of the total school curriculum, which uniquely focuses on the physical development of the child, while also addressing the emotional, intellectual, and social needs of the child. The main focus for each content unit shall be:

    1. Cognitive development in sport and game, written tests, fitness education and how it relates to the sport.
    2. Effective development in co-education classes and cooperative games, sportsmanship, teamwork, and character development.
    3. Psychomotor development through individual and team activities and skill development.


    Academic Grade:

    Students will earn an academic grade by attending class, running daily warm-up laps or participating in warm-up games, stretching, and completing daily class assignments and activities. These may include written tests, skill tests, and timed runs.

    For each trimester, the academic grading is broken down into three categories:

    1. Participation = 60%
    • Daily participation
    • Warm-up laps
    • Stretching
    • Skill Evaluations
    1. Fitness = 30%
    • Weekly running activities (10 points each)
    1. Exercise and Nutritional Sciences (ENS), Homework, Tests = 10%


    Students will receive 20 points each day for PE. These are broken down by daily activities: 5 points for warm-up laps, 5 points for participating in daily stretches, and 10 points for class activities.


    Citizenship Grade:

    Every student will begin with an A, 100 points, in citizenship at the beginning of each trimester. Student’s grades will be marked down anywhere from half a grade to a full letter grade for the following: late to class, not following school rules, or signing the infraction log for poor behavior (not following directions, cheating, chewing gum, foul language, disrupting class, etc…)


    Effort Grade:

    Every student will begin each trimester with an A, 100 points, in effort. A student’s grade can be lowered for having loaner PE clothes, leaving a lock, clothes, and backpacks unlocked in the locker room. Students will also be marked down for lack of effort in class activities. For example: Completing a run over the given time limit.



    If your student is absent from class, they may make up their daily class points by completing a Lifetime Fitness Log. They will need to complete at least 60 minutes of a physical activity outside of school for each day they were absent. The Lifetime Fitness Log can be found in both the girls and boys locker rooms as well on my school website. If your student is absent on a run day, they may make an appointment with me before or after school to make up the missed run. There will also be one opportunity each trimester to make up a missed run during homeroom.


    Parent Notes and Doctor’s Notes:

    If your student is not feeling well or has an injury, please send them to school with a note describing the issue, so that I can make the necessary adjustments. Parent notes will not excuse students from the classwork that they miss and will need to be made up when the student is better. A parent note is valid for three consecutive school days and may only be used three times in each trimester. If a student has a doctor’s note, please send a copy of the note to school with your student. Based on the restrictions set by the physician, I will accommodate your student to the best of my ability. If a student has been recommended out of physical activity by a physician, there may be a need to temporarily change the students schedule until they are either cleared by a physician to come back to class or the doctor’s note has ended. Based on the recommendations from a physician, a doctor’s note may possibly excuse a student from missed classwork.


    Student’s citizenship and effort grades can be raised one full letter grade once per trimester by writing a five-paragraph essay on how you are going to improve your citizenship or effort in physical education. Students are also more than welcome to make up missed or incomplete running activities when scheduled in advance with the Coach.


    I would like my students to leave my class each day with the understanding that fitness activities can bring a quality of life that money cannot buy. Fitness activities should be fun. By understanding the curriculum presented to them, students should be able to make good choices for a lifetime of physical activity.


    Please contact me with any questions by email:, or by phone at (619) 938-8600.