• Q: How can I get help logging into the Parent Portal?

    A: Please call 619-441-6101 for Parent Portal assistance.

    Q: When will I receive a decision about transfers within the ÒõAPPµ¼º½ Valley Union School District?

    A: Decisions regarding transfer applications submitted by deadline (by February 1st of each year) will be emailed by March 31st. Applications without an email provided will be delayed in processing until an email can be acquired.

    Q: How do I submit my Interdistrict application?

    A: You can either drop off a completed copy of the Interdistrict Application at the ÒõAPPµ¼º½ Valley Union School District Office, Room 8 or you may scan and email a PDF version to esp@cajonvalley.net  If using a cell phone, please hold the camera directly over the form to not cut off edges, skew the image, or cast shadows.

    Q: Are you currently accepting applications?

    A: Applications for the current school year are being accepted.  The application period for the next school year opens December 15 and closes February 1.  Determinations will be made based on space availability.  Notifications for applications submitted by the February 1st deadline will be emailed no later than March 31st. We approve as many transfer applications as our physical space, teaching, and staff caseloads can support.  Transfer applications that exceed these limits will be placed on a waitlist, and there is no guarantee that students placed on a waitlist will be approved for the school year requested.  Submitting the transfer application by the February 1st deadline greatly increases the likelihood of approval.